I mean why would you not choose us? We offer great prices when it comes to limited edition streetwear and sneakers. Everything is 100% authentic or your money back guaranteed. Our customer service is what separates us from our competitors as we strive to make sure that all of our customer's requests and or inquiries are met at timely fashion. On our instagram page, we have over 100+ feedback with satisfied customers who have done business with us in the past/or presently loyal customers as well.
Item Availability:
The item availability is listed in the product details page. All colors and sizes available will be shown and available to add to the shopping bag. Sizes and colors that are unavailable will be listed as “out of stock”. Although we make every effort to keep sufficient stock of items listed on our site, occasionally we do sell out of certain products. If we are out of stock on an item that you've ordered, we will notify you via e-mail. Any changes will be reflected in your order total as well as your shipping confirmation.
Return/Refund Policy:
All items are final sale, meaning that there will be no refunds nor exchanges. Exceptions will only be made in the unlikely event that there was an error on our part regarding product availability (i.e. selling an item while it was actually out of stock) or in the rare case that we were unable to secure a Pre-Order.
All Pre-Orders are shipped within 3-5 business days of the release date. If we purchase the item(s) via an online source, please allow up to 6-8 business days for your order to be shipped. In such a case, you will be notified of the extended shipment time. Please note that release dates are subject to change, which we do not have control over. In the rare event that we are unable to secure your size, please allow extra time for us to fulfill your order. In this scenario, we will keep in close contact with you via email regarding our efforts to secure your pair and get it shipped out to you as soon as possible. Otherwise, in the unlikely situation in which we have not fulfilled your Pre-Order after 10 business days, you will be refunded immediately.